Mumble 10/18/21 ATTENDENCE: Daniel, James, Jason, Paul, Will I. PRESSING ISSUES a) December [8:04pm] b) Kulaks [8:06pm] confirmed: Paul, Daniel Definitive no: Will c) Abilene [8:11pm] confirmed: Will Definitive no: Paul II.ACTIVISM a) Weekly stickering [8:15pm] Daniel solo at a park James and Jason at the Killeen Mall Paul no promat Will solo in Belton and Temple b) Next NW action/meetup [8:20pm] Austin and Baylor c) Stencils III. INV/COSTS - PAUL a) Gear for Dec [8:30pm] everyone has the item except Will who needs the jacket b) Member confirms for Dec everyone present confirmed c) Promat in both clusters [8:35pm] eastern cluster has enough western cluster: james and jason have enough, will is running out d) save money for Dec [8:38pm] IV. FIT/VICES - JASON a) Updates/Progress [8:45pm] standard reports monthly b) Org Fit/ Cluster grpwrk [8:50pm] Org fitness standard: - 9 minute mile - 3 Chin Ups - 25 Push Ups - 2.5 Minute Plank c) Neck training [8:55pm] VICES [9pm] Daniel: 4 slothful instances since the last meeting. unproductive after taking exams. James: 6 days no tobacco or vaping. another vice is procrastination due to tech. Jason: less telegram, reading more. meditation. Paul: mental acruity wasting away from media. nationalist aesthetics from telegram are things he didn't want to lose. using telegram as a cope to shirk from duties. Will: slipped up a few times this week, will do better this coming week. fries, junk mexican food. V. FORUM [9:14pm] Kulak 60 bucks is a recommendation, bring what you can, no hard rule, everyone should have something aiming to be there friday night, do practice/sparring/lit everything we did in Waco Can all leave late saturday night, stencil/poster in tusla