Mumble 10/25/21 ATTENDANCE: Billy, Daniel, Doug, James, Jason, Paul, Will, Scott I. PRESSING December Event: December 3rd - 5th: Doug will try to get it off (classes and tests), Daniel has an exam on the 3rd (might need to fly), Scott will confirm in the next few weeks has stuff w school and work going on. Unaffils if you have one that you can vouch for, check w them to get that time available, must meet james, let Tom know, send in a contact request then they get on interview server. Ellis, Moyshe perhaps. Abilene @1pm attend confirms: billy? no. doug? no, see his father. james? yes. jason? yes. dan? no. paul? no. scott? no. will? yes. Threema primarily for calling. Shield training DFW: Nov 20th 6am: drive up that previous Friday night. attend confirms: billy? no, dan? yes. doug? tent yes. james? yes. jason? yes. paul? yes. scott? no, mandatory event he must attend. will? yes. II. ACTIVISM Weekly stickers: Doug, James, Jason, Paul (no stickers, attended OK event w Daniel), Scott (no stickering), Will Plan meetups: Banners: stencils recently came Austin & Baylor: FBI Billboard: "report hatecrimes" III. INV/COSTS PAUL TX Dec Gear: doug missing chevron, bumpcap, nw2 patch. james has everything. jason has everything. paul needs bumpcap. scott needs chevron patch. will needs patches, needs jacket. Promat: will needs stickers, has some flyers. Transport IV. FIT/VICES JASON TX Fit updates/gym prog: paul making slow but steady gains strenghtwise. billy doing good. doug not much to report lacking in bench. james very busy, did full body today, back pain gone. scott doing a lot of running wants to do more leg training. will up to 10 pushups in a row, no pullups. Neck Training: need neck training to prevent whiplash in head from getting hit in the head. do slip work as well. Advice: doug doing pushups for a young age. if you can do ten one day do eleven the next. if you can only do ten master that ten. twenty pushups every hour. do it everyday. Vices Billy: eating carbs Daniel: Sloth, demoralization Doug: carbs, sloth James: vaping/nicotine Jason: used to be porn addicted, not anymore since crash. social media/yt addiction. read more. Paul: sloth/escapism in tandem with socmed addiction (telegram addiction). used to be on 4chan a lot. desire for escapism. Scott: time mismanagement, anger William: junkfood/poor eating Bill: carbs under control Doug: is burnt out rn, lack of resolve see cookies come back on his plate, James: been off of tobacco for a week, has the craving, going strong. wants to work on procrastination. Jason: good off socmed cuz moved in and has been busy Paul: wants to read more, needs to train Will: doing better, if he leaves his debt card at home he wont get junkfood on his way home. V. FORUM